Politics Local November 14, 2024

Debate on the electoral system in Buenos Aires

The Buenos Aires government is discussing alternatives for the upcoming elections, considering concurrent or separated elections, while seeking to optimize resources and electoral logistics.

Debate on the electoral system in Buenos Aires

The Buenos Aires government is debating the possibility of holding concurrent elections with the national ones, splitting them, or adopting an intermediate option. The first alternative would involve using two voting instruments and two different ballot boxes for each election on the same dates as the primaries and the general elections, which would reduce costs but could cause delays in the process. On the other hand, splitting the elections would lead to a higher fiscal cost by requiring voters to go to the polls four times, but it would avoid logistical complications.

To make an informed decision, the Buenos Aires government has begun consultations with various parties. Officials from Kicillof's Cabinet have met with Electoral Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla, the National Electoral Directorate, the Buenos Aires Electoral Board, and the National Electoral Chamber. Likewise, the Minister of Government, Carlos Bianco, spoke with the Deputy Chief of Cabinet, Lisandro Catalán, confirming that the national government would not cover the financing or organization of the provincial elections.

In the midst of these discussions, Governor Axel Kicillof expressed his opinion on the Single Paper Ballot (BUP), calling it a "disaster" and a logistical complication for next year's elections. Kicillof firmly defended the traditional ballot and pointed out the need to evaluate which would be the "lesser evil" among the available options.

During a press conference, the Buenos Aires governor criticized the BUP and emphasized the importance of ensuring that people can vote clearly and consciously. In this situation, the provincial government must make crucial decisions, such as adherence to the BUP and the organization of the elections, always seeking the best path to ensure a transparent electoral process in the province of Buenos Aires.